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Legacy - ControlCenter 200 + 300

ControlCenter 200/300 Keyboards are robust, full-function system keyboards compatible with the MegaPower family of matrix switcher/controller systems. These keyboards feature color-coded elastomeric keys that have a true tactile feel. Cameras, presets, patterns, views and auxiliaries are all easily controlled. All system activities, including tours, salvos and alarms, can be controlled directly from the keyboard. The keyboards offer recorder control for VCRs and digital recorders (DVRs). The keyboards' vector-solving joystick provides one-handed control of the selected fixed or variable-speed pan/tilt or dome.
  • Choice of models with variable-speed and vector solving joysticks 
  • Selectable keyboard protocols, RS-232 or ADnet (RS-485) for control of various matrix switching systems
  • LCD display with adjustable contrast 
  • Tactile, color-coded elastomeric keys 
  • Preset, pattern and auxiliary control 
  • Lens, alarm, tour and salvo control 
  • New DirectSet dome function control 
  • Passcode protection for programming functions
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Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Statement

This policy and statement make explicit our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain.

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