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Hard Ceiling Bracket

This bracket enables the Top Hat housing to be recessed in the ceiling (requires RHIUTH Top Hat). The bracket is mounted to the Top Hat and installed in a hole cut in the ceiling — perfect for sheet rock, plaster or solid ceilings. The hard ceiling bracket can be installed entirely from below the ceiling; the installer will not have to access the area above the ceiling to install it.
  • Compatibility: SpeedDome Ultra Series
  • Construction: Galvanized steel
  • Dimensions: 212 x 179 x 56 mm (8 x 7 x 2 in)
 Data Sheets
RHIUHC - Bracket for RHIUTH indoor Top Hat for SpeedDome Ultra series. Suitable for plaster or solid ceilings. The bracket and Top Hat may be pre-assembled and installed from below. Requires RHIUTH


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