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Over-the-Roof Mount with End Cap Assembly

This mount affixes directly to any wall, rooftop wall or parapet, positioning the dome away from the wall, so that it can see over awnings, soffits and landscaping. Opposing wing brackets secure installation to the roof surface, while allowing the pole to be repositioned for easy service access.
  • Compatibility: SpeedDome Ultra Series and IP SpeedDome
  • Construction: Powder-coated aluminum, ABS plastic and fiber-filled PVC
  • Dimensions: 1098 x 243 x 473 mm (43 x 10 x 19 in)
 Data Sheets
 Knowledge Base Article
 Technical Drawings
RHOTR - Dome mount, Ultra/Optima (outdoor), over-the-roof mount
ROTRF - Dome mount, Ultra/Optima (outdoor), floor adapter for RHOTR over-the-roof mount


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